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The augments screen in the build menu are blank even though all augments are unlocked, all tiers. It says press P to unlock but they already are

he augments screen in the build menu are blank even though all augments are unlocked, all tiers. It says press P to unlock but they already are
3 months ago in Bugs 18 Planned

Danu model missing, only her club is visible and I can't interact.

Went to Danu in the Hollowed Moor realm, went to Danu's home with the Quest Available marker. When I'm here I can see Danu's club and quest marker, but cannot interact with the NPC at all. It is like Danu's body model isn't loaded, so there is not...
3 months ago in Bugs 14 Planned

Bosh Rush Freezes on "All is Ready" Loading Screen

I've participated in a Boss Rush once. I completed around 14 rounds, then left. Now when I enter a Boss Rush portal, the loading screen freezes once the "All is Ready" text appears at the bottom right. I've tried closing & re-opening the porta...
2 months ago in Bugs 10 Planned

Boss Rush portal bugged after Winter Update

After the Winter Patch, when I try to enter the Boss Rush portal, I'm completely stuck at "all is ready" until I forcibly close the game.Tried to re-enter the game, opened a new portal and convalidate files to no avail
3 months ago in Bugs 5 Planned

Unable to enter Boss Rush in Offline Mode

I've been unable to enter boss rush on my offline character. I put the card in the portal, and it doesn't give me any options to reset before opening a portal. It just says "reopen portal", so that's what I do. I go through the portal and everythi...
2 months ago in Bugs 6 Planned

Levitating While Sleeping

Helper sleeping in mid air. Not even over a bed.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Planned

Button to collapse all categories in crafting menu.

It can be annoying that all categrories are open when you open your crafting meny. Search is very good but a button to collapse all categories when you are not sure what the item you are searching for are called.
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Planned

No longer able to raise items above 2 ticks when building

Since the latest PTR and in Live as well, I've noticed that I am no longer able to free-build in the air. In the patch before, I was able to raise items up with R+mousewheel a relatively infinite height. In other words, I made a bunch of stuff flo...
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Planned

Unable to place Lodestar on surfaces

I used to be able to place my Lodestar at this exact locationn forever. Now since the last update, the revamp of the UI of Build mode, I can no longer place the Lodestar down inside the same exact cave I have been doing right along. I also went to...
2 months ago in Bugs 2 Planned

Sword Not Showing

After crafting the new rapier/sword that was implemented in the new update I received and error and my character holds up nothing but air and I cant see the sword I crafted.
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Planned