Moving A Clothing Item In Inventory Unequips The Equivalent Item
When you have an item in your inventory that you move to a storage container it unequips the equivalent item from your character and slots it in your inventory. As an example, if I have a hat in my inventory and drag that to a storage container it...
Hello! I noticed, that 1 piece of einadia ore weights 6 kg. Isn't it too much? I have made a pistol of this material and it weights 42 kg. Rifle - 41 kg. Does my character have supernatural strength? Please, fix this bug. WBR, Denis
Description: Unable equip items by swapping when using the gamepad. When pressing the equip button, items will only go into empty slots State: Actively investigating Workarounds: - Use Keyboard and Mouse to Swap Equipped Items To help the Developm...