Antiquarian desert has near-constant rain visuals and thunder audio effects, but still produces "heat" status effect. No "wet" status effect present despite rain.
Augmentation Slot Check Marks Lost Upon Loading In
Every time I load into a new realm or log into the game my crafting bench lose the check marks in their augmentation slots, making me have to double check that the effects are still applied (they are). I have to move one of the augmentations out o...
Rather than having 1-7 mapped to 'primary' items, and then 8-0 mapped to 'off-hand' items, have a slider or option in the menu that allows us to customize how many of each we want to have.
Seit heute extremes Kamarawackeln beim laufen/rennen
Seit heute ruckelt und Wackelt das komplette Bild sobald der Charakter geht oder rennt. Um ducken ist es normal aber sonst egal ob Ego Perspektive oder 3. Person es ruckselt wie verrückt und ist nicht spielbar. Kamararütteln und BEwegungsunschärfe...
After clearing an encounter with the mob (witch) that makes herself immune to damage while attaching herself to another enemy with a red thread every enemy was immune to my damage. So the witch herself turned invisible and when the encounter (infe...
Hi we used to be able to move crafting benches and storage boxes by pressing on the E key and choosing it as an option. it would be good to be able to destroy them as well that way.
Shotgun has been overnerfed as this comparison shows
Note the comparison of the Mystic Bolt-Action vs the Shotgun (double barrel) in the screenshots. Both were constructed as close to identically as the components would allow. Both are being held by the same character with all the same base stats an...
Completing all three of the flagged locations, even four of the Bastilles of Might for Matriarch's Lament does not increment the final counter to complete the quest. the counter remains stuck at 2/3