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Add matieral color to matieral description

Add the material colors/texture to it's item description. For example: the Jabberwock crafting materials appear red on clothing, and Azazel materials appear brown - display both those colors/patterns individually in their item description for craf...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Augment streamlining

It seems the crafting equipment/upgrade is too convoluted. My suggestion that might be better if you are intent on just having just two augments per equipment; why not just put augments already attached to the equipment as an upgrade path? The aug...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Smart Progression Tree

Just wanted to say major props on the progression tree. Really well done. Easy to see the flow and to set goals to work towards unlocking items. Nailed it.
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Trophies for all creatures

Would be nice to be able to craft trophies from the fabled Bones/leather/chitin. Should be not to easy to craft those but needs at least 5 bones of one fabled and T5 materials to craft a trophy that can be used as decoration in the house. The T5 m...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Ice Resist missing

Ice Resist attribute is missing from the descriptions of materials like Cobalt, Marigold and Losrewn, and any equipment made with them, but Ice Resistance still applies to player's stats. It is missing even when the number of attributes on a mater...
23 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Bright backlight during item customization .

Very bright backlight popped into exitance when I was at the glamor table, and it would not go away. It came into being during the customary flashbang effect that happens every time night switches to day. And would not go away like the flashbang e...
23 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Storage furnishings need better tiers

Since furnishings are hard to stack, currently one of the most compact storage layouts is a simple shelf with four trunks for a total of 35 x 4 or 140 slots. The storage options that are "better" than the trunks are too bulky and cannot be stacked...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Augments yield bonus bug

Did some tests with augmentations on crafting stations with an eye on yield bonuses and got weird results! Test 1: Refined Masonry Bench Blasting Machine (+40% yield) Mining Cradle (+20% yield) Settler Card (+20% yield) Input: 10 Carved St...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Spanish(Spain) Translation error

Gloves have the name of a description
23 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Long refinement/production sometimes switch to negative times and gets stuck

I see this happens with mostly longer refinements (my examples are Aromatics and Focal Shards). When I'm creating enough of these items (let's say to the overall time of production is over 20-30m) they sometimes turn to negative when I check them ...
23 days ago in Bugs 0 Open