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Pickpocket / Blindside description mixup

The Pickpocket Charm (T4) has the description of the Blindside Charm(T3) in the Enchanter's table (Extra damage to target not in combat and not fleeing) and in the codex (bonus items after hitting a creature that isn't in combat or fleeing) The me...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Only the last yield bonus matters

When crafting, only the last listed yield bonus on the "station traits" tab matters. Whether it is a card, or an augment, it overwrites every other yield bonus. Additionally, that list gets overwritten randomly on every station everytime the realm...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Can't make spice from onions or onion seeds

Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended to be honest but... I can't make spice from onions. It's a bit frustrating because I find onion spice out in the world and it's an excellent ingredient because of it's high health stat but I can't m...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open


Aufwertungsbank verlangt nur Epische Essensencen, auch bei Aufwertungen von normal auf Uncommon + Rare + Epic... Richtig wäre Essencen in der jeweiligen Qualitätsstufe --- uncommen für uncommen -- rare für rare --- und erst fürs Epische auch die E...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Crafting T4 thread shows T2 thread on screen

It's pretty straightforward. Take some T4 Holt Bloom over to your loom, start turning it into thread, it'll say Tier 2 on the screen although it does give you T4 thread and the mouseover in the queue also says T4.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Crafting Timer not progressing

I'm not sure what has been causing it but some times a bench will not progress as if its not ignited. Though I triple checked, it has wood and even show the animation and sound as if it is "on" but when starting a recipe the timers don't move. I p...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fehler beim überschreiben vom Talisman der Beharlichkeit

Konstanter Fehler: Durch den Langen Text der Beschreibung und der Warnmeldung beim überschreiben vom Talismann der Beharlichkeit rutschen, wenn vorher schon ein Talismann angewendet wurde, die Buttons aus dem Fenster und können nicht mehr angeklic...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

holt bloom and crude sticks from gold ore nodes

when farming gold nodes in my forest ascended herbarium cave the gold nodes are producing crude sticks and holt bloom. :(
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

ice resist is missing from gear crafted with macabre rack

my armor crafted using the macabre rack only have poison, fire and malecium resist +2.5%. it should include ice resist
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

nightingale mystic climbing picks. Cannot craft, have items

nightingale mystic climbing picks. When crafting at the excellent smelter, the smelter highlights my 2 artisanal pick heads in red and will not accept them. They are made of shimmering and zinc. There is no explanation of what other metal may be r...
4 months ago in Bugs 2 Open