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Plant oil does not take crafting station traits into consideration

When crafting plant oil, no crafting station traits seem to apply. Every single oil takes 30 sec regardless of augments, and never gives extra output. For instance, crafting 20 plant oil from whatever ingredient, takes about 15 min and gives 20 pl...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Coffee and Crumpets recipe does not take Coffee, only Coffee Cherries

I honestly can't imagine this not being a bug or else I'd put it as just critical feedback. The Coffee and Crumpets recipe only takes Coffee Cherries even though the actual ingredient slot just says "Coffee" to me this indicates that it really sho...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open


Allow us the ability to create furnishings found in armouries such as:trophy cabinet weapon rack hunting trophies bookshelves busts / statues (there are very prominent people in the game, possible statues of them with bosses also as large statues/...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Show Augmentation Names On Benches

Hello! I wanted to suggest showing the actual Augmentation names when you inspect a bench. Sometimes our icons and "green line" connections between them just don't show up, so we're left looking at the inspect window on crafting benches. But it on...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Augment system is heavily bugged/redundant.

The Augment system is garbage. SO many do not work and many are redundant or doubled or triples of the exact same augment bonuses. EXAMPLE: Take the Tier 2 Plough and Wheelbarrow, both are for the mortar station, both are specific for that station...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Mystic Climbing picks cannot take an Infusion

Crafted mystic climbing picks, it cannot take an infusion
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Splendid dress is still not craftable

Hi team!I just wanted to create a new topic to keep you all updated that the Splendid dress from the Poet's set is still not able to be crafted since 0.3.2. In 0.3.2 every Poet's set item became bugged, and unable to craft, and was subsequently fi...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Improving Crafting UI for Better Accessibility and Filtering

I would love to see some improvements to the current crafting UI. When we click on a recipe, it takes up the entire screen, which can be quite frustrating. For those who struggle with reading, you could add an option to increase the font size. ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Better gardening Ideas

Currently, gardening in the game is quite tedious and a bit time-consuming. I like having a gardening spot near my base to optimize my storage and food preparation, but each planter only accepts one seed. I don’t quite understand the difference wi...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

add "allow fueling" toggle to containers

please add a toggle on container options to turn off allowing the use of the contents of that contaienrs for fueling. why do we need this? right now if you have a container with wood in it and your recruit helper is allowed to refuel they will use...
3 months ago in Feedback 2 Open