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Simple smelter gone with all smelted ore.

Logged off last night with 2-300 ore being smelted. The entire simple smelter is gone along with all ingots.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Stuck in Crafting Window

Ive encountered a bug twice now where ill get stuck in the crafting window on various crafting tables and my esc key doesnt take me out of them. I cant close the windows, i can navigate around in the window and anything happening around me happens...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Luminous Spore - post Halloween update

The luminous spore has attribute bonuses now, but the "stamina" stat isn't working. I suspect this is because it's labeled "stamina" and not "Maximum Stamina" or "Stamina Regeneration"
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Colouration on Character + NPCs are a little off

The clothes on my own character as well as the NPCs seem to be a bit out of wack. The picture of said clothes in the progress menu are never how they turn out when they are equipped. For example, I just completed the set of the 'calculorian' cloth...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Crafting Augmentations Not Working

When using crafting benches I have noticed that any augmentations used for the bench are not always 'seen' by the crafting table it's connected to. Even if I go into the 'edit mode' and move the augment from the position it's in, the table still d...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Rugged Maul/Hammer doesn't use Hammerhead

It seems this is a bug, since the recipes for all the other Rugged items use an advanced component (such as Blade, Metal Tip etc.), but the Hammer and Maul items just use "Ingot".
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open


When my world refreshes my augments for the crafting stations no longer apply their respective benefits and I have to dismantle them and rebuild them if I want said benefits.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Can't Craft Unlocked Augments From Any Station All Tiers

I've just hit tier 3 crafting stations, and I'm still unable to craft any augments for my crafting stations, Tier 1 - Tier3. I have unlocked all of Tier 1 and 2, but the unlocked recipes from the progression tab don't appear in any of my crafting ...
5 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Pickpocket / Blindside description mixup

The Pickpocket Charm (T4) has the description of the Blindside Charm(T3) in the Enchanter's table (Extra damage to target not in combat and not fleeing) and in the codex (bonus items after hitting a creature that isn't in combat or fleeing) The me...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Only the last yield bonus matters

When crafting, only the last listed yield bonus on the "station traits" tab matters. Whether it is a card, or an augment, it overwrites every other yield bonus. Additionally, that list gets overwritten randomly on every station everytime the realm...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open