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Red Coat, Yellow Coat, Green Coat, Blue Coat, Square Rig Clothing

Please add historical "Coat" clothing worn by military personnel in victorian times. Including English Red & Green Coat, French Blue Coat, Austrian White Coat, Spanish Yellow Coat, as well as Naval square Rig and Naval Tricorn Hats.
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Forges built in Aid missions not working

Twice now ive had to build my own forge here because the pre-placed forge that i had to add resources to to finish building has failed to work when fuel was placed inside and i hit ignite. In one case it showed the ignited forge animation but did ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Artisan Card Feels Weak to me.

TLDR:Crafting feels tedious and time consuming because of augments and stations.It constantly makes us reorganize our bases aesthetic every time we want to craft something. Its annoying to me, especially because i cant remember what does what, i n...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Lost the ability to make copper or Tin ingots

Lost the ability to make copper or Tin ingots after getting the ability to make bronze and brass. The option to craft from ore no longer exists in the smelter list. Also none of the craftable bench stat items appear to be linked to craft stations ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Change Talisman not possible

I cannot change the talisman on my mystic hunters knife . The button to confirm is not available. See picture
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

"Regrowth" spell sometimes doesn't work.

I used a Mystic Wood Axe with a fair amount of Magick [400+] and the Regrowth Spell on tree stumps [standard trees] in my abeyance realm and the spell wouldn't regrow them. There was also no change in the fibre surrounding it.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Autofill BEST Materials

It would be nice to have an "autofill best materials" option to make crafting a little bit more beginner-friendly. The option would simply auto-place the best ingredients for the type of item you're trying to craft. This could go along with a more...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Cooking doesn't progress in multiplayer

When cooking it often doesn't countdown and just stays queued until we sleep, where it then instantly completes. The flammables don't countdown either.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Etched Ingots no longer have Magic+, is this intended?

correct me if I am weong here, but before Realms Reborn, I thought etching ingots added Magic+ to the ingot. Also Etched ingots were a valid recource for items that could ve crafted from any ingot. I may be remmebering wrong, but if not, was this ...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

titan's fingernail ore does not produce expected color on items

the ore "titan's fingernail" is mined from a yellow stone/tree, produces an ore icon of a dark metal with yellow tendrils around it, and an ingot icon of mostly yellow. therefore, the player could reasonably assume that using the ingot to make an ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open