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Favourite button in crafting benches

Hey, could you maybe add a favourites button in the crafting benches so you can favourite the things you craft the most. There are alot of different things and sometimes its a bit overwhelming
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Fabled Elder Eoten Wood T5 - Inconsistent Attributes

Greetings Devpeoples, The resource acquired from the Forest Fae Vault at the Watch, the Tier 5 Fabled Elder Eoten Wood, carries attributes that doesn't quite align with their non-fae vault counterparts. The Elder Eoten Wood, both Fabled and Non-Fa...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Dynamic Body Weight Changes

This is kind of an 'out there' idea but I saw something like it on another game and thought it was cool and immersive. An ability for the characters to gain/lose weight depending on how often and what they eat. Certain foods could cause weight gai...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Can not extinguish simple cooking station

20 minute timer shows for fuel, it does not decrease, steak timer shows 00:03 but does not go down. Moving mouse up and down, the only options displayed are "E add fuel" and "E craft item" no extinguish, so I also can not ignite
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Burning under water

See the picture, a smelter (somewhat relevant for this building quest) is happy to burn underwater. Given that this is a story realm, you may want to give the poor guy a bit of height so his stuff isn't drowning. (Magwyth marshes, C6)
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Blueprint Tree

Thank you for the new blueprint tree system. its much better than trying to find someone in the dessert and hoping they have the blueprint you need. i love seeing this game improve!
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

When crafting, the storage must have crafting AND building allowed in order to craft.

I have noticed that when I am crafting anything at all, if I do not have BUILDING ALLOWED also opened on every chest, I cannot craft with the items in that particular chest. If I allow building also, there they are in the list. I thought allowing ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Crafting benches no longer react to nearby lamps

I built a base in the desert. It's very open/bright everywhere. The benches report lit if sunlight directly hits them. But every other non-fire light source is not recognized, regardless of how close.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Usage of stone/metal/wood types in design of structures.

As title suggests, I think having different stone/metal/wood types actually influence the design, coloration, and pattern of buildings would make a very unique and interesting addition to the building mechanics of the game. Mixing and matching pal...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Unable to Craft Filigree for Ornate Wood Axe (Teir 3)

I am currently experiencing a bug that prevents the crafting of Filigree, a necessary component for creating the Ornate Wood Axe. Despite reaching Tier 3 and constructing the Excellent Smelter, the recipe for Filigree does not appear as an option ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open