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augments and damage are not correctly displayed in the weapon description

Different augments and minor card bonuses are correctly displayed with the correct damage on the weapon preview. But once crafted, some of them may disappear, resulting in lower damage being displayed on the weapon, inspection screen and character...
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Hybrid Stone Powder not recognized as separate resource

Once a hybrid stone (of two of the same stone) is turned into stone powder, it is not recognized as separate from a stone powder of the same stone. For example, 2x Marble -> Hybrid Stone -> Stone Powder (Marble) The hybrid stone powder will ...
about 12 hours ago in Bugs 1 Open

Misleading information when crafting items - Masterwork Items

When crafting the Masterwork Sickle and Masterwork Umbrella I noticed the tool tip indicates that Masterwork Handles are crafted at the Excellent Masonry Bench when in fact they are crafted at the Excellent Saw Table
about 18 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Recipe missing for Masterwork handle

Unlocked the masterwork longbow. The recipes for the masterwork grip and ornaments appear in their respective excellent crafting benches. The recipe for the masterwork handle does not appear in the excellent masonry bench and I do not see it on an...
1 day ago in Bugs 2 Open

Glamour Station Not Working

The Glamour station in my respite is not working for myself or anyone else that joins the realm. We can open the interface and select changed appearances or materials, but when attempting to apply the changes using either "Hold to Apply Glamour" o...
4 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Colors in item customization swap to the wrong color

When using the glamour station to customize items I noticed some of the "lower tier" colors will switch to the highest tier of that pattern after hitting apply. For example, all other tiers of Death weaver spider will appear as T3 Death weaver spi...
22 days ago in Bugs 2 Open


Dumplings are listed in the Tier 3 food section, but when you go to craft them they are actually labeled at Tier 2 food. I'm using Tier 3 and Tier 4 ingredients and getting Tier 2 food. I've attached screenshots
3 days ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

The augments screen in the build menu are blank even though all augments are unlocked, all tiers. It says press P to unlock but they already are

he augments screen in the build menu are blank even though all augments are unlocked, all tiers. It says press P to unlock but they already are
3 months ago in Bugs 18 Planned

Buttons on controller broken

Before the most recent patch I was playing on steam deck and the buttons were working just fine in crafting like R1 and L1 to increase or decrease the amount of an item I wanted to craft at one time, now they don't work, I have to use the touch sc...
20 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

Blue/purple beezleboar products display as green

When customizing gear, the blue/purple beezleboar fiber/hide/leather displays in preview, but once you click "customize" and view the gear outside the menu it displays as the green beezleboar materials instead.
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open