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Fabeled bishop

Where is the automation fabeled bishop, i have searched in the swamp as directed and nothing
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

A Hero's Ballads - Test your Might

Completing a Bastille of Might does not updated progress for the quest.
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Welkin's Reach Intellect Puzzle Failure

In Welkin's Reach, the intellect puzzle as part of the site of power (well with floating rocks) fails regardless of the order I activate the crystals. There are three chimes and I have tried this in my initial realm and also after resetting the re...
6 months ago in Bugs 5 Open

completed gloriana's tears can't unlock tree

game is bugged i beat the Gloriana's tears sombre site of power but it will not update in the quest and unlock for my tree for the last items
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Realms Rebuilt can't cook

Started the new update, got down in the cave with the first settlers and was tasked with cooking mixed plants and roasted berries. Neither of which show up in the crafting section of the camp fire. I can ignite the fire fine but can't craft anything.
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

A New Dawn: "Return to Puck", Puck missing

I wasn't paying attention and ran all over the map before realizing I needed to play the cleansing card at the beginning of the map. After traveling back to the crossways and playing the card, it now tells me to "Return to Puck". Problem is, he ne...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Sylvian's Cradle Site of Power Rune did not spawn?

Inside the Site of Power, I got no enemies (some youtube videos ahve them), but the potential bug is that one of the runes is not there. Spent several minutes and nothing. I saw it on a youtube video though. Here:
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Using a bug/glitch in a quest with protection

The defense quest turns out to be very easy, since you can simply place 1-2 foundations on the extractor and bound will not reach it until the foundation is broken. It seems to me that it should be prohibited to place structures in the room with t...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Bugged out quest objective

Last glyph I need to active the Font of Glorious Secrecy in Gloriana's tears. oddly orientated/glitched through the floor. Can't seem to get to it with climbing picks either I've also had a Bastille of intellect be stuck inside a wall making it in...
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Bastilles of Agility seem broken, among other issues with Bastilles

I think I only have 1 more Bastille of Agility to try before I'm locked out from progressing in the game. I've completed 2 already, I think, the game does not make it clear how many I need so I'm just going by the 3 pyramids on the wall in the thr...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open