I am currently stuck on this quest. I found and cleared the corrupted ruin holding the corrupted mushroom/corrupted roots prior to speaking to Desma. When I returned with the purity potion, it still says, "You can't fathom a way to dispel it." I d...
I'm only a couple hours in, but I am loving the new update so far. The new progression tree is really great and really clarifies what my next steps should be, the changing of the tutorial reads really well so far. I'm just about to enter my first ...
I can't proceed through the very first site of power, I have found 2 of 3 writings but the 3rd one is no where to be seen, although I've covered the insdie and outside of the structure.
Consider removing completed quest icons so players are not thinking they missed something when they actually completed the task. Specifically, the starting quests to find the knife, mining pick, and immolation enchantment
Sylvan's Cradle Aid quest simple smelter won't ignite
the npc Aid building camp quest in Sylvan's Cradle has a simple smelter than cannot ignite fuel (click button to ignite and nothing happens); cannot make a shaft without lit smelter
Doing quests in the hollowed moore went to quest giver Dinir the Giant. When I went there only a floating club and a name was there. The giant was invisable and i was not able to interact with them.
Ich kann die Quest um zur Wacht zu gelangen nicht abschließen, da der Sagenumwobene Roboter Läufer "Bishop" in der Sumpf Herausforderung mir kein Zauberöl gibt sondern Löwenmäulchen Öl. Auch töten brachte nur Löwenmäulchen Öl.
We stream on a 5:4 aspect ratio so we can split screen, so our resolutions are set to 1280x1024. In one of the most recent updates, we noticed that our tracked quests on the right side of our screen were cut off. I switched to 1600x1200 and had th...
When playing in Player Hosted Server mode with friends over LAN, several of our players (including me) will not have their Journal / Quest log update after advancing to a quests's next stage or completing it, even if we're all on the same step. Lo...
In the side quest with Edgar Allen Poe I have equiped a refined throwing knife sheath (Iron), but Poe does not recognize it as Iron. I noted that with other tools the iron ingot can not be used to create it.