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Quest the lost crew

I'm at the point they suggested to look for clues, there is a book here on a old engine, it's glowing i cannot pick it up of get it at all?
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Seal Puzzles should not reset.

The puzzles that involve accessing the floating things in the sky to activate glyps are hard enough for some os us with them resetting if we have to leave the game for some reason. Once activated, a glyph should stay activated. Please!
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

intelligence pillar bug

There are 3 fae pillars to click to open the door to proceed in the well. I know the sequence but no matter which one it is wrong and I get attacked. I had this problem in multiplayer and someone helped me by clicking them for me, but now in offli...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Big plottstopper bug

I was able to enter the place of power in Gloriana's Tears without having broken all 4 seals first. There was one seal left! I fought the boss and then got the cards for the challenge realms, but not for the next main quest realm. The quest status...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Nelly Bly Quest - Portal to Watch Does Not Open

I have completed the three quests to give access to the watch (Sun Giant, Elder Eoten Tree, Bishop) and provided the requested items to Nellie Bly. She says it will take a few minutes to put everything into place, but the portal to the watch never...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Keep dying in Empyrian Well, even with the blessing thing

(Welkin's Reach) I completed the Bastilles of agility and grabbed the glowy thing (I'm assuming it's a blessing or something- it's the thing that lets you go into the well) in the observatory, but every time I enter the well and try to use my umbr...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Joan of Arc quest not advancing

While building fopr Joan of Arc, quest does not update.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Completed the site of power befor i got the quest to do so

i used the climbing picks to climb up the tower, went to the portal and killed the boss. then went to the other portal to leave and picked up the card along the way. now i got the quest to "awaken the site of power in magwytch marshes" but after i...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Jabberwock stops attacking and becomes immune to my attacks

I was attacking and dodging attacks from the Jabberwock. Things got hairy and I was about to die, so I used my climbing picks and climbed out of the lair to heal. I jumped back in and the Jabberwock was no longer attacking, and when I attacked it,...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Magwytch marshes - The truth of the matter - entrys

I found the first entry but it didnt register.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open