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Nightingale City - Golden Vase Bug

Only 4 golden vases can currently be found. We now have several users who confirm this. Apparently the last golden vase does not spawn, regardless of location!
2 days ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Granville Tailer Woods is stuck under the dock

Granville has managed to get stuck under the dock. I still need to talk to him to complete the quest A Lost Spark. I tried re-logging as well as traveling back to respite then to the city and he is still way below the building.
3 days ago in Bugs 11 Under Investigation

Main Quest - Heart of the matter

I have activated the Pylon but no bound spawn and there is no way to progress the quest. It seems to be powering indefinetly. Battle music is playing.
about 4 hours ago in Bugs 1 Open

A Gate to the Void Quest Bug

The journal quest labled, A Gate to the Void, requires three different infusions to be created on the Excellent Enchanter. The quest ends with asking the realm walker to put the infusions into the Pale Suppression Device located South of The Watch...
about 9 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

A Nightingale's Song (quest) - Return to Puck

There's a problem with a Nightingale City Main Quest. I've just killed The Automaton Queen and finished an interaction with Realmic Transmuter in the center of Astrariun. But there's no Puck in front of the Transmuter. And yes, I've already spoken...
about 10 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Glorious Hunt quest

I completed the site of power and went through the portal back to the crossway. It wont complete the quest.
about 10 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Main quest wont progress

After reaching the "The Gate of Queen's Brae" and "The Heart of the Matter" quests I am unable to progress these as none of the npcs have the dialogue option to continue.
about 19 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

The Gate of the Queen's Brae

I jumpstarted the stabilizer and now the mission tells me to Talk to Maria Sklodowska-Curie in the Calcularium. She has a question mark over her head, but none of the text options allow me to finish the quest.
2 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Welkin's Reach- Rough Patch

Doing Multipalyer and partner quest for Rough Patch is not able to turn in to get rewards. It showed them as completed. Only I as host received the rewards.
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Azazel immune to dmg

Azazel is immune to all damage. We have tried it with different weapons. Various restarts didn't help either.
3 months ago in Bugs 9 Fix Live