coop needs to be streamlined more if I'm playing with my friend give options to go to your crossroads or friends or something I'm tired of hopping back on to play im in friends realm i try to portal to another realm for mats nope im in my realm with nothing ive built or farmed,now on my server and having quests I just did not update on my realm, travel or build on there realm and i cant go anywhere because it will take me to my realm with less done and less advanced mats gotta wait for friend to come back on for my stuff, this should have been implemented already
In-Game Filters towards LGBTQIA+ language should be slackened
Hi there, I discussed this in this Reddit thread for a little bit. I'll narrow in the concept as best I can. Word filtration in games is a useful feature, especially when you don't have access to Moderation Resources (or even potentially methods a...
Greetings Devpeoples, This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together to discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this wonderful game. Thing...
I feel the party invite might be to intrusive, it takes the ability to move or deploy an umbrella at times you may need it if your friend invites you at a bad time. An example is when I was jumping over a cliff my friends sent the invite and I fel...
While playing with my partner, we loaded into Sylvan's Cradle and her player model is a bald head and her torso showing only her chest and arms, tools/weapons display as normal, but she is not showing her clothing or hair.
My buddy and I keep getting kicked from our own party randomly. It happens fairly regularly but without any kind of rhyme or reason behind it. To fix this we have to both log out and log back in each time.
The game is awesome and building system too. I enjoy building weird structures. Please, we need some form of restriction to prevent other players to access our storage, and to prevent unwanted building modification or deconstruction. Let us choose...