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plant trough

My farm consists of 216 plant troughs. 171 of them are planted and watered, but no plants are growing. Do I have to tear down these 171 troughs and rebuild them? That's no fun. An option in the menu, 'Empty plant trough', which allows the trough t...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

T5 Material Acquistition Hitboxes

I recently hit endgame and crafted a GS 100 Axepick to harvest T5 materials from points of interest. However, some of the harvestable nodes are really tricky to get, requiring aiming your cursor near where the tool swing will land rather than dire...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Lvl 50 ressources can't be farmed even with Ornate Equipment

I have upgraded my tools (Picks, Axe, etc) to Ornate which are Tier 3 but I still cannot farm any ressources over Lvl 25. Lvl 50 (and above) remain immune. Given that I should be I was wondering if anyone knows what could be causing this bug. Shou...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Accessibility option to disable "strike bounce"

Does the game have the ability to disable the strike bounce animation (and any other bounce animations)? Without this, I cannot buy the game.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Animals ignoring Estate Cairns and stampeding through gardens

I've had animals destroy house walls, destroy garden boxes, run through the house and up the stairs. They cause a far amount of damage. I thought the cairns were supposed to keep them away
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open


Chokeberry is the only plant that cannot be harvested with a sickle. I don't think it has to be that way. I'm sure it's a bug.
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Charm of the Raven

I accidentely ovveride charm of the raven by another charm (The UI/UX was locked somehow on another item), is there any way to craft it outside of the quest. I finished everything, and farming for gear.
4 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

monde effacé

Bonjour, j'ai voulu me connecté au jeu sur ma partie (plus de 270 heures de jeu) et plus rien le jeu est totalement remis a zéro, plus de personnage plus de base rien du tout comme si j'ouvrais le jeu pour la première fois .... Pourriez vous m'aid...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Temporal restricted resources

Add gems, minerals and other resources that can only be harvested in certain environments, such as moon light or harsh sun. That would improve the use of minor cards and add a sesnse of urgnecy to time limited events such as the Samhain.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Can't make spice from onions or onion seeds

Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended to be honest but... I can't make spice from onions. It's a bit frustrating because I find onion spice out in the world and it's an excellent ingredient because of it's high health stat but I can't m...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open