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I was Moving all my Material to my new Respite when my Home would not spawn in.

I have been moving all my material from my old respite in Gloriana's Tears to my new Respite in the Forest Gauntlet. I have been using a crude portal to get to Gloriana's Tears then after I max out my inventory slots I would click travel to respit...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Add a camera separation option for building

I've been playing a lot of Once Human lately, and I really liked the idea of using the ` key to separate the camera from the character while building. This game needs this feature so badly! It's easy to mess up structural stuff early when you can'...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Levitating in a boss rush

i joined a random i've met at the watch and we were doing buss rush. At some point, against the giant bug with the pillars i just started levitating, went always a little bit into space and could not get on the ground. Even after getting to the la...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Companion was told to work(mine) and is now stuck under the world

I told "Howard" to mine on an outcrop by a lake in Sylvan's Cradle (NE corner of D5) after looting a few nodes he walked through the map and is now stuck not moving, I am unable to talk to him through the environment to dismiss/retrieve his invent...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Building Restrictions can be Frustrating - Less would allow greater Creative Freedom

It's frustrating when the game won't allow me to place pillars in places I see no reason why that would not work. The first 3 screenshots perfectly encapsulate this. 4th screenshot shows a good example of something I wish the build system allowed ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Beetle pet IK wonky?

For some reason when up close, the beetle pet sinks it's head down clipping into ground. But as soon as I move, maybe, 20 feet away, it's normal. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it's front legs, if it has any? Assuming it does have 6 ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Falling through the world (Swamp Realm)

Whilst roaming in a swamp world, namely clearing an infestation of Bound, a friend and I were consistently able to fall through the map and into the water tiles below the floor when we merely touched the visible water around a pre-generated struct...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Stave corner roof visual error

The stave corner roof has a piece that does not appear to be correct and like it was left on by mistake after being edited. This piece does not meld/change when placed to any other corner piece and makes the entire thing look awkward inside.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Roofs clipping through walls (pagoda)

I placed the pagoda flatroof blueprint next to a wall where they showed through the wall, i thought after constructing them that would change, but it still clipped through after constructing
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Pagoda flat roof bugged

While placing Pagoda flat roof in a new building, the inner edge attached to a floor tile "hides" the upturned corner visually but even though it looks flat, there is a collision with the tile corner. This makes it impossible to walk along that edge.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open