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Showing 195

Mouse Wheel Changes Tools - No Option to Opt Out in Keybinds

The Mouse Wheel rotating between tools is terrible for me. There appears to be no way to opt out of this. I am 62, with arthritic hands, and I find myself inadvertently tapping / rolling the mouse wheel in the middle of most fights, then struggle ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

random bugs with ranged weapons

in 3rd person view when using a ranged weapon, if something is behind me, like my recruit, and they are in my crosshairs, they will interfere with my shot even though they are behind me. this goes with anything that gets in the way behind me. anot...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Q key became R key when using umbrella (AZERTY)

Q key became R key (so can't move to the left) afetr using umbrella
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Spawned sideways (90 degrees rotated screen) but the world was normal

Spawned sideways (90 degrees rotated screen) but the world was normal I just played the game for the first time. I died and then respawned perfectly fine. After a bit the game crashed (send an unreal report) And after getting back into the game I ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Alternative keybinds

Hey!I would like to see alternative keybind for every controls, so you could bind one action to two button. Why would be it good? For example I have two language keyboard setup in Windows and because of that if I press my 0 it can be "0" or "`" ba...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

camera panning up

How do you stop the camera from continually panning up when moving. If there is no fix for this then i won't play this game. I play on pc with keyboard
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Overlapping commands on controller make crafting stations annoying to use.

When using a controller, if you're in a sub menu of a crafting station (say, looking at making roasted meat on a cooking station specifically), the button used to back out to the main station menu is the same as the button used to exit the station...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

navigating menus with keyboard and mouse isn't working properly.

when accessing storage, chest and personal, along with progression and sometimes building menus, navigation is difficult or impossible
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

NPC and Other entities cause lag

When trying to walk past npc's and other players i am lagging and being forced to move around getting stuck in corners until everyone exits the game
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Tab should exit menus like most other similar games

If a key opens a menu, that menu should close with the same key. This is a typical set up for games. Obviously the player base will have a lot of play between games and the transition is frustrating. Moving to Esc constantly wastes time and breaks...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open