Switching between spells doesn´t work half the time
For example on my axepick I have oberon´s bounty, recovery and illumination. Usually I use axepick for healing during combat but not for melee. So I chop some wood with oberon on and combat starts and I try to switch to Recovery. Instead of select...
Cannot grapple to an edge, climbing pick will not activate to climb
See video. Grapple cannot be aimed at the plateau edge, only slightly under. Character therefore falls when pulled up. Cannot activate Climbing Pick mode to climb up. Cannot even traverse up normally by climbing. https://youtu.be/L2z3lDMaVUc
Climbing about, trying to find anything super hidden with a little side of trying to find bugs etc and managed to get trapped in the rockface of a cave.
Quand j'appuie sur la touche "Q" au lieu que mon personnage tourne à gauche, cela ouvre une roue de nourriture. Je suis aller voir dans les paramètre, et rien à faire...
'Q' being rebound to consumables wheel after using umbrella.
I use q, w, e, s to move. I can rebind them properly in key bindings. I can move fine until I use an umbrella to jump glide. When I land, I cannot move left anymore. 'Q' appears to have been rebound to a consumables wheel. If I attempt to rebind m...
I have "Consumables" bound to P and "Map" bound to Q. This doesn't work at all. The behaivour is that hitting P consumes the default consumable. Holding P does nothing. Hitting Q does nothing. Holding Q brings up the consumable radial. IOW, neithe...
While the radial menu for the different spells is handy out of combat, on KBM it is cumbersome to switch to another spell while in combat. Keybinds for spells 2 and 3 would be fantastic!
Can't usually put down a marker in the map using a controller
Can't usually put down a marker in the map using a controller. The tip says to use the X button (XBox Elite Series 2 controller) but most of the time nothing happens (although occasionally it does work). Along with this, quite often when I try to ...
Playing through Boss Rush in PTR, went to Map and clicked return to crossways and spawned at 90 degrees to the floor. Tried again a few times, but just spawned the exact same way.
Used climbing picks and now my character is stuck in place, I can jump, use some weapons, but I cannot leave the spot. Using the "Help, I am stuck feature" teleports my character to a different spot, but it remains stuck and unable to walk off.