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Toggle Sprint Needed!!

Devs, Can you please add a Toggle for Sprint? Drives crazy having to hold down the shift key constantly to run and chase after enemies and other stuff. Please add this since you all are adding Quality of Life fixes.
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Anyone can change the difficulty? It should only be allowed to be changed by host or authorized players

When playing on a friend's realm i was seemingly able to change the difficulty with her knowing. I think you intended this to be only changed by the host, or authorized players or a vote system perhaps.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Allow for using numeric & arrow keys to adjust amount when splitting a stack of materials

When you go to split a stack of materials you're currently given a slider to adjust the amount you want to move from the stack. What I'd like to see is that when on that screen you can use the numeric and arrow keys to adjust the amount more easil...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Losing left key control (A and Q assignation)

at the start of the game, i mose arround normaly, but after the first flight (holding knife and umbrella) when i loand i dont have the left movement available. Instead its open the use item food circle. I must rebind the A and Q key, even if this ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Controller with Respite not functioning properly

T1 Respite with controller (PS5), Can only open and tab left/right but not able to select any other menu within the T1 respite on 1st realm. I am going to guess might be the same on other ones. I have to drop controller for keyboard to use.
2 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Les touches Q et A n'arrête pas de s'inverser au début de partie (je joue en azerty)

Les touches Q et A n'arrête pas de s'inverser au début de partie (je joue en azerty). JE les change à chaque fois au début du jeu.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Umbrella glide does not consistently engage if sprint key is being pressed

You can jump and press space to glide all you want if you are sprinting and you'll hear the sound, but you won't actually start gliding often.It will work for a while but then suddenly there will be a long streak of it not working. when it stops, ...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open


Every interaction is annoying. Can't take all from chest without using mouse. Clicking a build item doesn't select it for building - you have to double-click or hit F (on screen controls don't say anything about double clicking). Building a workbe...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

random switching the tools in my hands

When I'm trying to play, my held items keep switching. For example, I was trying to stay dry in the swamp but my umbrella randomly switches to something else in my hotbar, and it continually keeps "scrolling" and switching gear in my hands.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Immolation only flies straight

As title says, the fireball only flies straight at a whatever elevation it's casted at. It still goes the direction I'm pointed at, but it does not go where I aim as far as the Y axis goes.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open