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Empyrean Well top level

In the Empyrean well you cannot access the top floor even though it is underneath the rim opening. When using the climbing picks to get up there you are instantly killed. Your companion can revive you, and then you are stuck in place. You can use ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Into The Darkness

In Glorianas Tears it is possible to Pick Climb the outer walls of the Sombre Heart, Bypassing the Forcefield blocking the entry that the quest line uses, This will stick the Quest line causing Into the darkness to be uncompletable as you killed t...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Swimming in the Abyss (I guess?)

I wanna start by saying I love all the updates. I've been playing since launch and you guys have been killin' it! Realm type (couldn't list precisely): Antiquarian Swamp POI: Infestation This was my first time to a randomly generated realm rather ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Requiring a game mecanic that's ok, at best

Why does it seem that game designers come up with a game mecanic that's ok, then force it's use on an exteneded basis to move foward. The flying umbrella is nice. Anyone of my age remembers it from Mary Popins. I had a bad moment when I saw the th...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Blueberry bushes planted in small pots will leave a "ghost" bush behind when you move the pot in the building menu.

In Abeyance, when moving a pot containing a blueberry bush using the build menu, the pot and bush will move but there will be an additional non-interactable blueberry bush that gets left behind sans pot.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

NPC and Other entities cause lag

When trying to walk past npc's and other players i am lagging and being forced to move around getting stuck in corners until everyone exits the game
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

online server severe lag and companion reviving me not working

ive been playing for about 2 days now and the lag and rubberbanding on the online server option is horrendous ive died multiple times due to lag and been lagged back up to 40 meters i know its not my internet because i have no trouble with other g...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Idea feedback controll Ship

My question would be whether there will be ships later so that you can go out to sea and explore things, etc
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Leaves and branches should not interrupt glide

For some reason, umbrella gliding into a bunch of branched/leaves of trees will interrupt the glide although they otherwise do not hinder you. I would suggest that either the glide is not interrupted or it is otherwise noticeable that those branch...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Charm of the Raven behaves oddly if applied to tool

When applied to a right-hand tool (e.g. a knife), activating glide seems to hit an invisible ceiling everywhere, jittering up and down but never getting higher than without the charm. Does not happen if applied to an umbrella.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open