From the November Q&A transcript, it is obvious that posting on this Community Portal is pointless
From the transcript of the NOVEMBER 2024 Q&A Scarbs: Can players get crop plots that have snap points? Aaryn: That’s a good note. Let’s make an action item to make that happen. From this ...
I've been playing with someone and their voice chat suddenly stopped working last playthrough right after the autumn event launch. Mine works fine, but they're using the same mic and setup with voice chat enabled and it doesn't pick up his mic.
If backpack full when creating quest item it disappears
I didn't notice my backpack was full when creating the confluence potion for the "Contain the Spread of Corruption" quest and the potion disappeared (yes I did it twice and didn't notice). One of the ingredients to build from scratch come from a d...
The help text pop-ups disappear far too quickly. They should be manually discarded. The one for the lotus artifact appeared when I activated the first portal and enemy started spawning, so no time to read it. In general, a lot of keys are not intu...
While playing with my partner, we loaded into Sylvan's Cradle and her player model is a bald head and her torso showing only her chest and arms, tools/weapons display as normal, but she is not showing her clothing or hair.