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After sheathing the weapon, the character (in 3rd person) does not go into the normal position (with hanging arms beside). Stays in combat pose, but without weapon.

See above
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Anyone can change the difficulty? It should only be allowed to be changed by host or authorized players

When playing on a friend's realm i was seemingly able to change the difficulty with her knowing. I think you intended this to be only changed by the host, or authorized players or a vote system perhaps.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Very First Site of Power bugged

I can't proceed through the very first site of power, I have found 2 of 3 writings but the 3rd one is no where to be seen, although I've covered the insdie and outside of the structure.
6 months ago in Bugs 6 Open

Untie item progression from story mode

Love the new progression system for items and gear. However it would be nice to untie it from the story level progression. There are those who delve deep into the exploration of the game and adding some way of getting higher level gear without hav...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Allow for using numeric & arrow keys to adjust amount when splitting a stack of materials

When you go to split a stack of materials you're currently given a slider to adjust the amount you want to move from the stack. What I'd like to see is that when on that screen you can use the numeric and arrow keys to adjust the amount more easil...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Realm Tileset building pieces

It'd be really cool to be able to build player versions of the different realm tileset options. There are times I've come across Aid or Defense POIs, or the quest factories in Magwytch and been like, these factories are cool, I wish I could build ...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

upgrade bench

Please put the upgrade bench back to the way it was like the other crafting benches. The way it was utilized t2 and t3 as you progressed thru the game. as it is now waiting till the end and only being able to use t4 to upgrade from any quality ite...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Realms Rebuilt recruit inventory bugged

Anything I put into the recruit inventory disappears. Stone, wood bundles, gilded lumber, ingots, ect. Just gone.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Remove quest icons

Consider removing completed quest icons so players are not thinking they missed something when they actually completed the task. Specifically, the starting quests to find the knife, mining pick, and immolation enchantment
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

UI design

The game really looks amazing I tried it for 10 hours or something but the UI is really making it impossible for me to enjoy the game fully and I been waiting and hoping for a proper update on the UI design so it doesn't look like someone made it ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open