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Stuck In the sky

i was using the umbrella and the climbing gear interchangeably and at a certain point my movement keys stopped working and I could only ctrl to move launching me further into the air. Now i am stuck in the sky
about 2 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Cannot Travel to Respite

Within same realm as respite (other side of map). No movement stat effects preventing. No prep message appearing. When I click the button nothing happens. Exited and reopened game; did not fix. Selected Travel To Respite from character menu and it...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Unable to place Lodestar on surfaces

I used to be able to place my Lodestar at this exact locationn forever. Now since the last update, the revamp of the UI of Build mode, I can no longer place the Lodestar down inside the same exact cave I have been doing right along. I also went to...
2 months ago in Bugs 2 Planned

Augments stop working when i leave my home realm and come back

So i spent alot of time putting all of my augments down and making sure everything was being used correctly, but everytime i leave me realm and come back none of my workbenches are registering the augments. no traits. the only fix is destroying my...
6 months ago in Bugs 4 Under Investigation

Spanish(Spain) Translation error

Gloves have the name of a description
19 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

immune mobs and bosses

Sometimes (mostly with bound ) the enemies become immune to all of my damage except my followers . All i can do is spectate and revive my follower while i wait for them to kill them Especially frustrating to do during Boss Rush
19 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Long refinement/production sometimes switch to negative times and gets stuck

I see this happens with mostly longer refinements (my examples are Aromatics and Focal Shards). When I'm creating enough of these items (let's say to the overall time of production is over 20-30m) they sometimes turn to negative when I check them ...
19 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

during dialogues, there is a constant exchange between French and English

during dialogues, there is a constant exchange between French and's a sentence in French then the rest in English, then again in French. to the point that I am reluctant to try to read the dialogue. it's a shame
19 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Defend a Survivor Quest not giving reward

I can't remember whether I've completed this quest or not.(Either I've finished it and the game hasn't registered it or I haven't and I'm unable to complete it.) But when I talk to the survivors it doesn't prompt me to do the quest the NPC's just ...
20 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

NPC Bug at the wrong RESPITE

NPC's are still going to my old base after i created a new base respite location is there anyway that this bug can get fixed? i have fast traveled to see if that worked and i also restarted the game and that still didnt work at all.... I'm not sur...
20 days ago in Bugs 1 Open