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Nightingale Feedback

Showing 332 of 935

Hope Essence drop Rate too low

I feel that the amount of Hope Essence that drop does not match the intended prices of items at the hope essence trader. I believe either an increase in drop rate, or lowering the price in the essence trader would work better.
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 3 Open

Request: Creature Taming

Currently, the game does not feature the ability to tame creatures as companions. However, I strongly feel that adding the option to tame wolves or wolf-like creatures would greatly enrich the immersive experience of Nightingale. Imagine the excit...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

QoL Basebuilding Request: Add toggle for snapping/Place Anywhere

Exactly as the title suggest. Add a toggle key when in the building mode to turn on or off, snapping for all Tileset pieces as well as certain decor, augments, and lights. Such an addition will free up build time and not hinder the creativity of t...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Ability to add more than one Respite Realm

Build limitation is a thing when you want to construct a lot; Due to that players could use more than one respite realm OR increase the build limitiation. One or the other. Let us DO MORE !!! :-)
8 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Full beard

This is just a simple request from someone who has just started Nightingale and that has a full beard irl. Any chance of getting a full Nightingale style beard in the game? The facial hair in game is good, I just would like a full face beard if po...
26 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Friends list, Mail system, and lock to our boxes in our home realm.

When building an online community one would have to have the means of communications, right? The ability to save our friends names in an easy to reach screen for easy invites? The ability to send and receive mail to encourage trade within the comm...
24 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Large boulder removal

There are quite a few large boulders that are spaced close enough to eachother that building around them in the Forest biome can hinder building plans once you want to expand. Could we add the functionality to remove these boulders? Either through...
28 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

It is too easy to destroy your home and the stuff therein

In the first few weeks of EA, with my shiny new (unoptimized) Lancaster pistol, I one-shotted the foundation under a crafting station and several chests. I was disconnected during the cleanup and lost everything that was still on the ground, so I ...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Climbing pick edge detection poor.

I find myself falling from a ledge more often than not than climbing up it. I get to the top of a cliff or wall and my character does the climbing up animation but chances are, I end up falling backwards and injuring/downing myself. This could rea...
24 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 2 Open

A means to dye and paint our gear

I absolutely love the crafting system in this game, but from the moment I made my first set of simple clothing I was disappointed by how difficult it was to make strong gear that i like the look of. I have this issue with tools and firearms as wel...
2 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open