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Need Better Starvation Notification

When I am busy crafting or building, I forget to glance at my food bar on a regular basis. Could there please be some sort of "you need to eat" message that pops up in the middle of the screen, rather than sudden death.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Building and QoL

First off, I really like the game and I am enjoying it. The idea for the realms are great and crafting has been enjoyable. Building has been tough. We can't build over one wall without destroying the old one, which in turn seems to affect building...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Grass pop in

The last few big updates (0.2 - 0.5) has been making grass pop-in worse each time. I have tried every setting and combination of settings, and nothing helps. The game runs 100% smooth with everything on ultra, but nothing helps with the grass pop ...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Can't switch to online, I am afraid I am done

After playing through once pre update (to the watch) and again post realms update (To the watch) I am now blocked by quests (under the watch group dungeons) that I cannot do solo. This effectively forces playing through again (3 times total) or qu...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Scarves should replace hats, not coats

It makes no sense to me why a scarf would take the place of a coat. A scarf is a small clothing item, more similar to a hat than a coat. I'd recommend switching the Tier 2 scarves from replacing a coat to replacing a hat. And it would be lovely if...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Companions are not useful in combat - add Taunt, DPS and whistles

I'm ~25hrs in and just finished Welkin's Reach so I've fought 2(?) realm bosses now and numerous spawns of Bound. I find it frustrating that my follower is pretty much useless in combat. Despite there being two of us to choose from, enemies will a...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Eliminate Crafting Charms and Enchantments

Crafting is too time consuming, having to craft more charms and enchantments for all new equipment sucks and takes too much time. I think once you unlock the item in the Progress screen it should be readily available to assign to equipment without...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Access restrictions for storage and buildings

The game is awesome and building system too. I enjoy building weird structures. Please, we need some form of restriction to prevent other players to access our storage, and to prevent unwanted building modification or deconstruction. Let us choose...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

With so many resources available why not make gear degrade over time or even break

We have hundreds of resources available. What if over time after repairing gear and tools they lost durability. The only way to restore the durability would be to use some of the resources the object was made with by reworking/patching the item. T...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fae Wilds realm card and higher difficulties should increase rare drops from animals.

I think it would be great to see this either of these things provide just a slight buff to get Fabled resources harvested from animals and it would incentivize players to take up a challenge.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open