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Workspace Nightingale Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 5, 2024

Recruit that I dismissed will not leave my base

I have attempted to dismiss Eliza the recruit away from my base on many an occasion. It does not seem to matter what realm or location that I dismiss her, she is hell-bent on teleporting to my base and loitering around.

I initially dismissed my recruit because the AI is frustrating, despite the benefit of being able to pack mule them.

I just want this woman to leave me alone but she wanders around my house all day and I'm at my wits end. I tried imprisoning her, telling her not to leave a specific spot, etc but to no avail. Please help me.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags NPCs, Recruitable NPCs (Companions), Controls
Realm [Biome/Major] Biome - Forest, Major - Abeyance Card
Minor Realm Cards Thinned Veil
Steps to Reproduce Construct a home and respite point -> Recruit Eliza -> Attempt to dismiss Eliza -> Notice she disappears for a minute -> Arrive at respite some time in the future -> Notice she's loitering around your house
    Jun 5, 2024

    Hi there,
    At the moment, there is no way to banish an NPC from the realm they were found/recruited in.
    If you did not recruit this NPC in the realm where they are loitering around your base, try to re-recruit them and banish them in another realm -- from there they should return to their realm of origin.

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