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Workspace Nightingale Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 5, 2024

Tools Deleted

I played off and on today (7/4/2024) and had all of my gear as usual. The last time I got on I noticed that my Refined Hunting Knife, Simple Fishing Pole, Lancaster Pistol, and Spyglass were all missing as well as most of my food supplies and ammo. Mostly things that appear at the top of my inventory when sorted Grouped. I am not a point where I can build my own Spyglass which is a problem/nuisance. I have searched every container trying to find them to no avail. I had to replace everything (except the Spyglass).

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Inventory, Tools/Gear
Realm [Biome/Major] Occurs in all Realms
Steps to Reproduce Not that I noticed. I had a bug earlier in the day when the game kicked me out while looking at a Sun Giant.
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