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Workspace Nightingale Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 23, 2024

Revival pathfinding

Basically, your follower cannot revive you because they cannot pathfind to you. even if they are standing right in front of you. if they cannot "see a path to you" they won't initiate revival. I was nearly to the top of a tower when i suffered a fall, because of where I landed, my npc follower couldn't pathfind to me, so i just watched her walk back and forth in front of me while I wrote this.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags NPCs, Recruitable NPCs (Companions), Collisions, Combat
Realm [Biome/Major] Occurs in all Realms
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce die to an explosion where the body drops beside a wall or stairs with a recruitable npc
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