killing sheliak very quickly (can do it in one shot) will start the post-fight speech as normal, and if you're fast enough you can get back up to the lodestar, re-set the fight, and get back before the first speech loop is finished (this makes the subtitles ui get "stuck" on the player's screen). Then, when approaching the boss room again the speech starts over again.
Mode | Online |
Impact | It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress |
Category Tags | NPCs, Creatures/Enemies, Combat |
Realms | Welkin’s Reach |
Steps to Reproduce | kill sheliak's yoke. grab the loot chest and sprint back to the entrance of the boss arena, climbing up to use the lodestar to port back to the zephyr core point, then back into the heart of the realm to respawn the boss again. if you're fast enough, the speech keeps looping and never ends. |