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Building denied/can't build sometimes

When trying to place tiles sometimes they don't allow you to place even though they should.

For example, when placing a tall stack of foundations linked to another stack sometimes it will let you place them the full stack height and sometimes it will prevent you from from placing them except for a stack or two down, sometimes even not at all despite having valid terrain and being able to build in the same spot without linking. This is a problem against cliffs, against free-standing stacks, and against stacks in water that is both too deep and not too deep (I don't understand the logic. I can place if I order things right, but not otherwise even though it's the same flat outcome).

Another example would be trying to place pillars on top of foundation stacks but it showing red. Or placing pillars on arches despite it working fine elsewhere in the same exact pattern (no order of operations or complex designs, just simple stacking).

Another example is sometimes being able to place an arch on top of another arch, and sometimes not, all in the same location. Placing sometimes shows red, but rotating the arch so that its face flips while not changing its position somehow allows it to be placed; it's exactly the same position.

Another example is sometimes not being able to place floors on arches, but when placing one on the opposite side of the arch magically it can be placed on the side that got denied.

It's all very frustrating. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. Restarting the game doesn't fix it. Using different tilesets doesn't produce a different result.

Each of the screenshots should be a valid placement.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Building
Realms Other
Minor Realm Cards None
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