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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 14, 2024
Merged post
Your post was merged into another existing one. To comment or vote on this post, please visit RRBUG-I-32 Companion pathing buggy when attempting to revive player.

Companion constant teleport to revive player Merged

i died and on the path is a corruption heart so the companion keep teleporting on 7m to 24m away, if the player could crawl on death state at least we can reach the npc

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags NPCs
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle
Steps to Reproduce I suposed collision soft blocked
    Sep 18, 2024

    Hi there,

    We're still looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another post about the same issue.

    Thank you!