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Switching companions resets allowed behaviors but toggles show as if the settings carried over

I had a companion, I set what they were allowed to do, and then I switched to a different companion, immediately checked the allowed behaviors and it appeared that my settings had carried over.

Later I noticed wood was vanishing from their inventory, after some puzzling I shut down the game and came back intending to toggle everything back and forth once to make sure the settings were being recognized.

On relog the settings showed that everything had reverted to defaults, asides from what I had changed after getting the new companion. So basically it just didn't show that the reset happens when you switch companions.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Inventory, Recruitable NPCs (Companions)
Realms Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce Recruit companion, change at least one setting in their behaviors, dismiss that companion, recruit another companion (in the same play session, I think that might be important), check the settings visually, check the settings actually (are they adhering to them), reboot game to see if the visual part corrects like it did for me
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