So I made a sword. Made up just fine only one problem doesn't equip. Throws a files are corrupt error on start up since i made it.
Exited game would not stop so had to manually stop it.
Ran verify rebooted and
Go back and test please!
Mode | Online |
Impact | It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress |
Category Tags | Combat |
Realms | Abeyance |
Exactly the same here. It is the Mystic Sword for me, not visible and throwing the DIMMICK error on startup.
Using the glamour station to change the appearance from the mystic to the dauntless sword worked for me
Having the same issue with the Mystic sword, no graphics for the sword (invisible) and the same error about corrupt files, not getting a game crash, but reverifying the files doesn't fix the issue either.
Same here, Use the transmog : only 1 available appearance working, the dauntless I think. Which doesn't even look like it's icon (suppose to have a basket guard but it's a cross one with a kind of serpent around it. All oter "available" appearance won't let you use the "hold to change appearance"
I made all the swords, all swords let me equip them and use them, however as soon as I equip the Mystic sword it gives the error and the sword is invisible. Also is the Ornate and Dauntless swords have the same skin (they look the same)
I think the worst part is that the invisible sword only has the range of a dagger.
game error on startup! Not playable!
Exact sam eproblem for me. I verified the files twice amd still getting the same dimmick error message and game crash.
We've found the problem and are getting a fix for this one, thanks all!
This will go directly to the development team.
Hi, thanks for the report. We are taking a look at this issue as a priority!
I also received the error message, but I cans equip mai sword, though it is invisible and does no damage.
I can confirm this, have the some Problem