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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 23, 2024

Network Error Dratted

A couple of days ago, only a small time after the last update, I started encountering a network error ID dratted every few minutes of gameplay.

The connection in my house has not changed, nothing else is lagging or stopped. Even when I am unable to interact or change weapons to denotate an incoming network error, I still see everyone running around doing things in game like there is no issue. A minute or so later, I am knocked back to main menu with the network error.

I have restarted the PC and steam multiple times. I have verified integrity a couple of times and set the game to run as admin, which made it not connect to steam at all until I turned that off. The are has been in sleep mode before because we all disconnected when I could not continue. It started in the cradle, so I logged back in, went back to respite, and it started happening in the begining area too.

I also switched regions preferred from US East to US West, no change.

I made a new profile, barely managed to skip the intro with puck, before I was network errored out of the tutorial.

The attached video was from the moment of relog in to the server, to the point around 1 min 20, where the placable stopped working. You will notice the stamina bar doesnt go down either, cant get out of placing mode, dont take fall damage. Showed Katherine still moving despite network error, showed Rosetta, my friend, still moving around just as I disappeared. When I log back in, I will be at the point where it started.

Mode Online
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Multiplayer
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle, Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards None
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  • Guest
    Nov 28, 2024

    Same thing has been happening to me.