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Status In Live Game
Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 11, 2024

Bedroll and Campfire at Sasse's Camp can't be used when its raining

When at Sasse's camp in the Abeyence, when it's raining the bedroll and the campfire will take on the "Soggy" Trait, and can't be used


Actively being worked on


- Build a shelter over a bed roll and campfire

To help the Development Team with this issue:
Nothing at this Time

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Building, POIs
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  • Guest
    Sep 28, 2024

    Also raining inside the cave leading to the Watch portal. v0.5.1.

  • Guest
    Sep 12, 2024

    Same issue, but thanks for providing the work-around!


Cannot Light Fire At crafting pot

Doing the first tutorial cooking quest and cannot light fire as it says it's raining. The fire is underground and not being touched by rain.
11 days ago in Bugs 2 In Live Game

Rain in cave

When inside the cave in the starting forest realm, rain still prevents campfires and beds from being used. The cave needs to be marked as an indoor area protected from the rain. Currently the problem causes a progress stop on the "A Hearty Meal" q...
13 days ago in Bugs 0 In Live Game

Simple Cooking Station next to Graeme Turner won't ignite

Food is ready to go, and there's plenty of wood in the fuel. However, the cooking station simply won't ignite. Hitting the button "clicks" but otherwise does nothing. This makes completing A Hearty Meal a bit inconvenient, as you can't cook right ...
15 days ago in Bugs 4 In Live Game