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Boss Rush Bound Sentinel Exploit

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is to alert you to a current exploit within the Boss Rush format, that being it is possible to skip the challenge of the Bound Sentinel arena by immediately killed the Knight which spawns out of sight (but does spawn at the very beginning), ignoring all the other Sentinels and mechanics. Doing so immediately ends the arena and progresses forward.

This allows Players to skip fighting the other Bound Sentinels entirely, and with the challenge of the Sentinels being the diversity of creatures and combat within the fight, this feels decidedly at odds to what would be intended.

An easy fix for this would be to only have the Knight spawn once the Brute and Wheelhead are defeated, rather than at the very start (but out of initial sight), which would be the (I believe) intended mechanic for this fight.

Kind Regards,


Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Creatures/Enemies
Realms Other
Steps to Reproduce Enter the Boss Rush Bound Sentinel Arena, immediately go up the stairs, locate the Sentinel Knight, and kill it, ignoring all other Bound.
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