Hello I just recently started playing and I am stuck at the Bishop I keep getting the drop in the desert but it keeps despawning anytime I mass pick up or single pick ups I went through the thread and found that people were only finding it in the swamp. As I picked up the items singly in the desert I think the code broke and it moved me on in the quest without giving me the item or the ability to see one spawn in the swamp area. I have reset the Swamp and the Desert realms multiple times and still nothing on spawn or drop. The code I show now is Complete the <i> Gateway to the Watch</> questline. Also now I cant seem to reset the portals anymore even if I have extra cards.
Mode | Online |
Impact | It's difficult to play or progress |
Category Tags | Quests |
Steps to Reproduce | You can try and picking things up one at a time maybe that'll reproduce it? |