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Lost all crafted items after leaving Realm

Mostly done with Sylvan's Realm, I crafted a crude portal to finish that questline. Somewhere I managed to pick up the desert biome card. I traveled there, completed a couple POIs, filled my inventory, then teleported back to the Crossroads. Traveling back to Sylvan's Cradle has completely refreshed the realm. All trees and ore deposits are back, all my crafted structures are gone, all my items are gone, the POIs are reset, and Aurelio is also gone. I had already completed to storyline all the way to "Find the Heart", and now it seems like I have to partially start all over.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Building, Inventory, Realm Travel, Portals
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle, Other
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce Traveling to other Realms while mid-quest?
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    • Dev
      Nightingale Team
      Jan 22, 2025


      It sounds like you've encountered a frustrating bug.

      If you can provide us with some additional information, it may help us to track down what happened. We might also be able to restore your realm to before this issue occurred.

      Could you please provide:

      1. A screen shot by hitting the [F2] button on your keyboard, which you should be able to attach to this ticket.

      2. A copy of your game's logs. Instructions for finding your logs can be found here:, under "How Do I Get My Player Logs?"

      This would be very helpful to our investigation, and will tell us if we can help to restore your world.

      Thank you!