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Recruitable NPCs Falling Through the Map & Staying There


There seems to be a problem with recruitable NPCs at POI locations ( Defence and Aid ) where they fall forever through the map until they have either:

  • (a.) fallen so far that I can no longer tell that they're falling, or

  • (b.) hit a location where they finally stop.

I did notice that sometimes, once they hit a certain threshold the falling process resets and they will respawn at a higher point ( 'higher' being relative; they're always starting from beneath the map ) and fall again, before hitting some kind of threshold where it respawns them back at the start of this cycle and continues it indefinitely. Eventually they stop and exist somewhere below me in the same spot forever, but I'm unsure what I'm doing to force this.

This problem is primarily in Magwytch Marshes but I've encountered it once or twice while traversing other realms ( mainly Ascended Swamp or Forest realms if that helps at all, & I don't think Minor Realm Cards have made a difference either way ). I think it may be caused by their health hitting 0 and the game respawning them incorrectly, but that's not something I've been able to test consistently. All the times this has happened while I've actually been near one of them however, their health has been very low and/or we've been under attack by something.

Also, I know they're beneath the map and not just despawned entirely because if I use my Spyglass and look down, I can see them all down there. That's also how I've been able to see the fall cycle mentioned above-- I'll stand there and watch their names slowly descend for a certain amount of time and then suddenly jump back to where they'd started their descent.

This hasn't caused any HUGE problems for me and I've completed the main questline just fine along with the brunt of the sidequests, but it does mean that Defence POIs can become undoable. Aid POIs seem to be fine, as the chest opens regardless of whether or not the NPC is present as far as I've been able to tell.

I've attached an image of me using my spyglass to look down at all the names underneath of the map as of this afternoon..

Mode Offline
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Quests, POIs, NPCs, Recruitable NPCs (Companions)
Realms Other, Magwytch Marshes
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