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Furniture Crooked After Set On Hill

I have found this bug to affect Furniture items. I have not gone as far as testing Augmentations or Benches yet. Furniture items, when placed on an uneven surface such as a gradual slope, will be crooked from their normal alignment when moved again. However, building the item on a slope first and moving it does not result in a crooked item.

Also, when I Remove that crooked item in Build Mode and then select the item from the Build list, the blueprint it places down is aligned to the same crooked rotation grid as the item I just broke. Removing the item, closing the Build Mode menu, and then opening it again does not stop this pattern. However, if I Remove the furniture item, select it from the Build Mode menu, place the blueprint, Remove the blueprint without building it, and then select the furniture item again from the Build Mode menu, the alignment corrects itself. This is the only way I have found to fix the problem.

I hope I was clear with my information. Thank you and good luck. You guys are great!

Reproduction of the bug: I have a video attached of me going through the steps that reliably cause this issue.

  1. Build a furniture item (I found this in Beds of any type and Containers of any type)

  2. Select the item to Move using the Build Mode.

  3. Move the item to a slope and place.

  4. Select the item again to Move.

  5. Place somewhere with straight lines to see the canted angle.

But wait, there's more!: Reproduction of then trying to replace that item.

  1. Remove the item.

  2. Select item from menu to Build.

  3. Place the blueprint of the item. It will be crooked again.

  4. Remove the blueprint.

  5. Select item again. This time it will place correctly.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Crafting, Building
Realms Abeyance
Steps to Reproduce Yes! I'll list them in my post.
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