Posting on the behalf of a discord user.
If player logs are needed, I am available to be contacted to let the team know which user has been having these issues. (I don't want to post their discord name in the topic, as I forgot to ask permission. As far as I know, they don't mind being talked to, I just don't know if including it in a public forum is okay since the forums are anonymous to a point.)
Their game does not render textures outside of certain structures, NPC's/players, and lighting/decorations. It looks like broken glass, and invisible floors.
User recently had an issue with their main gaming PC and decided to load the game on to their alternate PC.
After a few days of messing with the system and getting it updated and making sure Dx11/Dx12 were able to be run they were able to get in game, however the game can't render things properly.
Most items such as NPC's, players, weapons, their character, mobs, and stagnant items like map placed decorations (statues for example) render for the most part. But as seen in the images everything else is checker board, and almost glass shard like when looking around.
They've tried playing in performance as a low setting, but that wasn't cutting it, so while in voice with me (Katari) they opted to try ultra performance and that caused a crash. After loading back in, some things looked better, but it's very hard to see where they're going, or how to navigate. It seems like the game can't go low enough for them to play? Unsure, but their PC meets the minimum specs.
They are however running: "a Snapdragon X Elite with integrated graphics."
Which according to their research, should host Unreal 5.4 fine. (I, Katari, thought UE5.4 might have been an issue?)
These screen shots in this report are from:
A fresh reinstall
On an SSD
All updated drivers and systems
Change in settings
File verification through Steam
She thought maybe it was a Direct X problem, so she did try swapping to Vulkan. As she thought might happen, she was met with the notice it wasn't support, which is fine, wasn't sure it'd work in the first place, we were just trying everything we could think of.
At one point, she went into her PC settings and tried changing the window size as well and the game ran better, since there was free'd up that RAM space, but the rendering issue persisted.
I have been given images to choose from, as well as asked the user for their F2 prompts.
I have chosen the best images to represent this issue, and submitted F2 images from 1. Watch Vault. and 2. Their respite.
Mode | Offline |
Impact | It's difficult to play or progress |
Category Tags | UI/UX, Visual/Art, Other, Technical (Crashes, Disconnects, Performance) |
Realms | Other |
Minor Realm Cards | None |
Steps to Reproduce | Unsure if able to be easily replicated. |