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Critical bug, can't advance story line

Quest line: Magwytch Marshes - Main quest
Belly of the Beast
Talk to Oisin McAvoy

The NPC outside the entry will not open the gate to the site of power. Keeps saying that factories need xyz
I have completed it all (obvious as I wouldn't have the Belly of the Beast quest if I hadn't!)
I spoke with Nicholas and handed in, he sent me to see Oisin.
Nothing. First I though perhaps there was a gear level lock on top, but now that I have managed to raise my gear level over 70.. still nothing and I can't get it higher than that really. Other half has completed the zone with less gear level so it can't be that. Please fix this. I can't do anything now...
I have even attempted to reset the realm, no effect.

Mode Online
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Quests
Realms Welkin’s Reach
Minor Realm Cards Thinned Veil
Steps to Reproduce hand in the quest for the factories and attempt to speak with the gatekeeper NPC
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    • Guest
      Nov 21, 2024

      Only thing I can think of are the additional dialogues with mayor Nicholas and he gives you a letter to get you in. Its a long shot but go back and speak to Nick again and see if you missed that dialog.