Mode | Online |
Impact | I cannot play or progress |
Category Tags | Vaults, POIs |
Realms | Other |
Hey everyone!
Our development team has recently implemented a potential fix for the Desert Vault Glyph.
It you are seeing an issue with another Glyph not in the Desert Vault, please make a new post and start upvoting it. Upvoting is the best way to ensure visibility on issues and support us in creating a more polished game experience for you and the Nightingale community
If you still can not activate the Glyph in the Desert Vault please make a comment that you're still encountering this issue.
Thank you to everyone who was able to provide us with information helping to resolve this.
Also happened to me in the Swamp Apex Vault
Happens to me 70 % of Desert Vaults. Gamebreaking bug that needs to be fixed ASAP.
I would like to prevent the Glyph puzzle itself from being drawn from the Vault.
coords and realm for broke vault progression
Had the same issue with that same Glyph so its not just you. I have to fast travel out and start over.
This has happened to me at least 5 times in 2 days.