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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 19, 2024

Entered Sylvan's Cradle Site of Power without completing pre-quests

I did not complete the pre-quests to entering the Sylvan's site of power, so I couldn't enter through the barrier entrance. However, when I walked up to the barrier and bounced off, I got disconnected from the server and logged out. When I logged back in, I was on the other side of the barrier and inside the site of power. I continued on and completed it. I then went and did the pre-quests so I could finish of Sylvan's cradle, but I've not hit a progression bug. Now I have 'real' access to the site of power, I can't complete the "Kill Azazel, the Penitent" because I killed him earlier. As a result I now cannot progress past Sylvan's Cradle.

Mode Online
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Quests
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle
Steps to Reproduce Stand close to the site of power boundary, experience a disconnect from the game and once reconnected, you may be on the otherside of the boundary
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