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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 19, 2024

Charms Reduce Level of Weapons After New Update

I have a Tier 3++ Mystic Axepick. Before the update it was above level 100 (about 105) it was made with Gold Heads, Gold Gilded Ebonwood Handle, 3 enchants, an infusion and a charm and now after the update it is only 88. The stats are identical, I didnt lose any magick or stam or anything just level. I tried to reapply the enchants and the infusion but the level stayed the same.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Tools/Gear
Realms The Gauntlet, Hollowed Moor, Gloriana's Tears, The Watch, Sylvan’s Cradle, Abeyance, Magwytch Marshes, Welkin’s Reach
    Sep 20, 2024

    Hey there!
    It seems like the 0.5.1 patch caused an issue on how items calculate gear score when charms are applied in some cases. We're working on a fix, but until then, if you have tips on how to get level 100+ tools, please add them below!

    Sorry for any inconveniences this causes and thank you for reporting this issue!

    Edit: Mentioned in the comments and adding here for visibility.
    Adding t3 Infusions and 3 enchantments should allow for Mystic Tools to go above lvl100 until the Charms issue is resolved

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2024

    I guess I am or some people in this post are wrong.

    "Before the update... I tried to reapply the enchants and the infusion..."

    May I ask how you do this?... Select the infusion->Apply... Which one from the 3 slots you had select before the update?

    If 1 or 3 slots are better, that's another question. If the overall output level stay the same, I see no difference, e.g. current infussion have 8. I forget the values but if the addition of 3 infusions give 8 too, I don't care.

    And IMHO the gear level is pointless anyway. A) There are no doors any longer, the quests open the doors. Highest level for sickle and mining pick gear 100 is all what you need. At least I can't find any resource with more.

    How you can get a value above 100? I haven't any spells. 1 infusion + 1 charm + good material... maybe 90. ...

    Visit the watch and buy the update table, values about 100 are possible. The Watch is possible without a 100 sickle or mining pic.

  • Guest
    Sep 26, 2024

    I had this same problem, cant get my mystic pick above 86, i had it at 86 with one enchantment, a T3 infusion, and a charm, added 2 more enchantments and it remains at 86 with no change

  • Guest
    Sep 25, 2024

    Do NOT put charms on the mystic tools! Add a Tier 3 essence and any three spells and it will be over 100 . Place a charm on them and they drop considerably

  • Guest
    Sep 21, 2024

    Yeah. No matter combination of build materials and enchants the mystic Axepick stops at gear level 88, so does all the other tools to. and enchantments dont increase the level at all as well. stops at 88.

  • Dev
    NWX QA
    Sep 20, 2024

    Hello everyone,

    We're still investigating what introduced this issue but until it's resolved, we're going to change the title of this so more Players can find the post a little easier.

    Thank you for your patience

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    Same problem... my lvl113 mystc axe is since the last patch only lvl96 :-(

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    Would this also have anything to do with no augmentations on any bench?

    Seems .5.1 needs a bit of fixing

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    I found success in crafting an ilevel 100 batch of tools using a charm on each, an infusion, and 3 random trash enchants. Enchants now add 8 levels per enchantment, and t3 infusions add 20.

  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2024

    So the issue is with Charms, it causes a reduction of ilvl the instant that a Charm is added, regardless of when it's added.

    Anything with a Charm already added has this happen immediately, but adding a charm during the process will cause the ilvl to immediately drop.


  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2024

    Just figured out that adding a charm to a tool reduces its item level

  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2024

    upper image 0.5, lower 0.5.1

    most gear got +6, weapons down from 135 to 121

  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2024

    I had the same problem with my pickaxe. I tried recreating it, and the amount of levels I'm missing is exactly the same as the tool with 1 infusion and just 1 enchantment. It seems somehow the second and 3rd enchantment slot are not counted towards itemlevel on the tool I created before the update


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