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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 19, 2024

Identical parts are not identical

When crafting stuff that needs two of the same part, for example the dauntelss shotgun that needs two Marksman Barel if those barrels are not created with the exact same mats they will not count as a Marksman Barel in the Dauntless Shotgun creation menu even though they have the same name.

Either the name should more exactly reflect the materials included int the production or the they should be accepted in the final productT

The attached pic shows to barrels that differ in the the mats used in the ornament

Bi=ot barells are named the same but are not usable to constuct the shotgun

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Crafting
Steps to Reproduce create two marksman barrels that differ in the mats used to create the ornament and
  • Attach files