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Reinforced Leather Crafting Time

When crafting reinforced leather with optimal conditions, like best in slot augments, shelter, light, warmth, the UI suggests the craft of reinforced Leather will take 5 seconds. The moment any resource is added to the recipe it changes to 20 seconds which is the actual time it takes to craft.

Expected behaviour: Best Augments and optimal conditions should reduce the crafting time to the minimum of 3s, no exceptions, for any craft. (Time is precious, do not disrespect what little time humans have to relax playing games with arbitrary time gates please. If you give us tools to reduce the time resource, make it absolute, not arbitrary or tied to some minimum value.)

Observed behaviour: Best Augments and optimal conditions show 5 seconds per craft (why not 3?) but switch to 20 as soon as any leather or fasteners are inserted into the UI, the craft then proceeds to take 20 seconds per craft.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Crafting
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