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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2024
Merged post
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Companion Pathing Merged

There are two major issues I have seen for companions.

1) When YOU go down and your companion is right near you ... they teleport away up to 30m and then have a horrible time getting back to you either getting caught on enemies or other objects. They then sometimes start to revive you and stop and TP again. My companion got me up then tp'd away when I went down again. They are now changing between 15m and 25 m away. They get to 15 and somehow pop back to 25m away.

2) Pathing inside buildings. I have gone to settlements and been crafting and my companion runs inside another building and back beside me they then run off into another building and back all while I haven't moved. I have had to make them stop running but because of I would say desync it is not instant and the finish the pathing they are on. They then just stop randomly along the path from me saying to stop. Yet I wanted them to stop right next to me.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Recruitable NPCs (Companions), Movement
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle, Abeyance
Steps to Reproduce For #1 - Get downed and be near companion and possibly get re downed again. For #2 walk near a settlement or inside of a house and stay there
    Sep 13, 2024

    Hi there,
    We're looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another post about the same issue.

    If this issue reappears and you are able to do so, please attach a video capture of the NPC displaying this behaviour, as it would be greatly assist the investigation team.

    Thank you!