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Swimming in the Abyss (I guess?)

I wanna start by saying I love all the updates. I've been playing since launch and you guys have been killin' it!

Realm type (couldn't list precisely): Antiquarian Swamp

POI: Infestation

This was my first time to a randomly generated realm rather than a crafted one since the new patch. I had done a few POIs before going to bed the night before last and opened the game back up in this realm. This Infestation was the first untouched POI I ran into after opening the game. I saw the Bound spawn and start to fan out and immediately their health bars dropped to zero and drifted downwards. And then I dunked into the drink after them while trying to figure out what was going on.

The good news is I could still swim, so the water was still acting normally, but I don't think Bound can swim? So they just fell through the world. I took a screencap of how it looked when I fell in at speed so I sufficiently went under. My second picture shows a fairly clear line you can see of how far out the mini abyss goes. All of it is centered on the Infestation building. If I avoid the spot, I can play just fine and as you can see I did get the essence bundle, but since it's a swamp, getting stuck in the water is incredibly unhealthy, and because the debris is all supposed to be sitting on water covered ground and not an endless abyss of swamp cholera, it's actually fairly difficult to navigate out of certain areas. So I marked it as making progression difficult.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags POIs, Collisions, Movement
Realms Other
Minor Realm Cards Treasury
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